A recruitment payment may be awarded for an exceptional candidate
We are seeking an enthusiastic, highly motivated and excellent teacher of maths. The post offers an exciting opportunity for a well-qualified and ambitious teacher to join a rapidly improving team of specialist staff who are strongly committed to improving standards.
Our ideal candidate will:
demonstrate outstanding teaching ability across the age and ability range of the academy and make a significant contribution to teaching and learning within the faculty.
show commitment to building the success of the subject leading to sustained improvement in student performance.
have ambition for further career progression and a commitment to continued professional development.
Application packs can be requested from:
E: hr@magnusacademy.co.uk
T: 01636 680066
Deadline: Monday 8th June 1pm
Interview: TBC
Magnus Church of England Academy is an academy within the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust and is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be subject to appropriate child protection screening including checks with previous employers and undertake an enhanced DBS.