Spen Valley is a successful school and a member of the Spenborough Cooperative Trust of local schools. OFSTED judged it to be a GOOD school in February 2013. We have high expectations of and high aspirations for our students. All stakeholders are committed to working together in partnership to maximise successes for our entire community.
Governors are seeking to appoint a Deputy Headteacher to support the work of the staff to further improve our school.
The induction of new colleagues and their continual professional development are strengths of the school and a coherent programme of support is available, alongside extended opportunities for contributing towards wider school developments.
Further details and Application Forms are available to download from TES online and can also be found on the school website at www.spenvalleyhighschool.co.uk
All completed correspondence should be returned to Debbie Hale, Headteacher’s PA (dhale@spenvalleyhighschool.co.uk) by 12.30pm on Monday 25 January 2016.
All employees are required to promote and actively support the Councils responsibilities towards safeguarding. Safeguarding is about keeping people safe and protecting people from harm, neglect, abuse and injury. It is about creating safe places, being vigilant and doing something about any concerns you might have. It is not just about the very old and the very young, it is about everyone who may be vulnerable.
11-16 Mixed Comprehensive NOR 895