Regional Pitch Advisors – The Institute of Groundsmanship

Job Description
Reporting to: Programme Director – Grounds and Natural Turf Improvement Programme

Key Business Areas:
• Delivery of the Grounds and Natural Turf Improvement Programme
• Enhance knowledge & understanding of principles of sports turf management
• Develop opportunities to increase IOG membership
• Percentage of time split:
o Up to 50% of the postholder’s time will be football focused;
o Up to 25% of the postholder’s time will be cricket focussed with the remaining 25% assigned to cover cross sport collaboration in the Programme
o IOG- as directed by the Programme Director attending key industry events and representing IOG on an annual basis with a full understanding of IOG products and services

Job Purpose:
• Develop the regional infrastructure and manage effective relationships with the volunteer sport network and key partners Promote and deliver the IOG and NGB Strategies/programmes
• Engage with the agreed plans for the development of volunteer networks and the delivery of training and standards
• Provide and recommend support services, training and education on a regional basis supporting volunteer organisations and groups as agreed with the IOG and NGBs
• Develop and manage the development of performance standards through reporting and advising on ground improvement and ensuring a Performance Quality Standards programme is developed and delivered as set out by the national governing bodies and the IOG.

Main Responsibilities:
1. Service the requirements and development of national governing bodies identified communities and volunteers.
2. Service the requirements and development of IOG identified members.
3. Adhere to agreed strategies to ensure all training and support is compliant with IOG/ NGB/Sport England Technical guidelines. As appropriate deliver agreed training. Where necessary make recommendations or modifications and contribute to pitch sport working groups.
4. Work closely with NGBs to ensure all recommendations or modifications to programmes are investigated and acted upon.
5. Ensure that any information is submitted as required on a timely basis and within agreed time frame.
6. Attend regular meetings as agreed with the IOG, NGBs and Sport England.
7. Service the needs and requirements of the County Groundsmanship Associations, volunteer networks and bodies approved by the IOG/NGBs.
8. Provide shadowing and mentoring to identified groups or individuals as and when required.
9. Coordinate test sites for research and assist in national research projects as required.
10. Where appropriate make recommendations to Programme Director regarding improvements to present procedures/objectives or implementation of new ideas.
11. In conjunction with the IOG executive team contribute to the development of the IOG membership strategy to achieve agreed targets.
12. Contribute to team meetings and cross-team working as a member of the IOG team.
13. Represent the IOG with relevant external partners as agreed with the Chief Executive.
14. Undertake any other responsibilities as specifically directed and agreed with the IOG and the NGBs.

How to apply
To apply you should submit your current CV/resume together with a cover letter to The cover should set out:
• why you believe you are a suitable candidate and your knowledge of the above mentioned sports (especially the facility strategies) Knowledge of the IOG and its Strategy “From the Ground Up” as well as setting out your skill and experience This should be no longer than 800 words;
• your regional preference, where more than one region is being applied for please rank your preference. If you are flexible with your location and wish to be considered for the third region which is to be confirmed please include in your application the region(s) for which you would not want to be considered;
• names of 2 referees, one of whom must be your current or last employer (NB No referees will be contacted without the expressed consent of the applicant);
• details of your current salary and other emoluments.

For an informal discussion please contact in the first instance Gloria Lau at in confidence. Application pack can be downloaded from

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